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A fun award, so to speak, by a Colorado baker who is part of the Tuesdays with Dora Baking with Julia group. She is assisting with my high-altitude baking as well as making me smile with the Liebster Blog Award. Thank you.

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I just got a Liebster blog award from Mireia of Baking in Spain fame.

Mireia and I are an ocean, a culture and a generation apart, but we now have a close connection via blogging. I got my toe in the waters of social media this year via my love of all things food. Sadly the prelude to having the time was a cancer diagnosis last year. Happily, I’m now officially in remission. Thanks for the love, Mireia! And thanks to Dorie Greenspan and Tuesdays with Dorie founders Laurie and Jules for opening the door.

My Liebster Blog awardee’s “love pat” duties are…

1. Link back to the person who gave it to you and thank them. Check!
2. Post the award to your blog. Check!
3. Give the award to five bloggers with less than 200 followers that you appreciate and value. (It’s a great way to get to…

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